Vampire Survivors Wiki

Boss Rash is the third challenge stage in Vampire Survivors. This stage can be unlocked by unlocking hyper mode for all 5 normal stages.

Alternatively, Boss Rash can be unlocked in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane by casting the Spell "peakgamedesign".


The monsters want entertainment, and if we win their game, the loot is ours for the taking. Let us face these recycled assets and do what we do best... survive!


Waves include a lot of bosses from all stages with increased health. Every minute the enemies health multiplier increases by 0.1, without a cap.

Two round pressure plates spawn every 30 second mark until 9:30. The blue pressure plate with an hourglass symbol fast-forwards time to the start of next minute. The red pressure plate with a skull symbol spawns the current wave's bosses again. Arcana holders do not respawn. Pressure plates disappear at the start of the next minute, if they have not been triggered.

Hyper Mode[]

The hyper mode for this map is unlocked by default after unlocking the stage.

Hyper mode in Boss Rash has +50% Gold and +10% Luck bonuses, but it also increases enemy health by 50%.


The following items can be found in this stage:


Two Floor Chicken, two Orologions, one Nduja Fritta and one Rosary are located outside of the arena. They are entirely inaccessible without the use of Mad Groove (VIII).

Stage items[]

All passive items, excluding Torrona's Box and including the 4 secret passives, are located outside of the arena. They are entirely inaccessible without the use of Mad Groove (VIII) (or by clipping through the wall with high speed).


Waves in Boss Rash approach from all four sides of the player.

NOTE: As official sources name only a few of the enemies, unit names are mostly made up based on their internal IDs and are subject to change.
Boss Rash waves
Time Elapsed Enemies Enemy minimum Spawn interval (seconds) Bosses & Treasure Map events Notes
0:00 Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat 1 1.0 Sprite-XLBATBat Lord
Sprite-XLMUMMYMummy Lord
- -
1:00 Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat 1 1.0 Sprite-WEREWOLFWerewolf Lord
Sprite-WEREWOLFWerewolf Boss
Sprite-BOSS XLMANTISMantichana Lord
Sprite-XLFLOWERGiant Blue Venus
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Bat Swarm
0:15 / 70% / x3
Unit: Pipeestrello (swarm)
Chance: 70%
Repeats (max): 2
Delay: 15 seconds
2:00 Sprite-MUDDust Elemental 1 1.0 Sprite-BOSS ECTOColossal Musc Musc
Sprite-BOSS MUDColossal Dust Elemental
Sprite-BOSS BUERColossal Lionhead
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
3:00 Sprite-MEDUSA1Sneaky Head 1 1.0 Sprite-XLMEDUSAQueen Medusa
Sprite-BOSS MEDUSA1Colossal Sneaky Head
Sprite-WITCH2Master Witch
Sprite-BOSS COUNT2Nesufritto
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
4:00 Sprite-MEDUSA1Sneaky Head 1 1.0 Sprite-BOSS COUNT1Hag
Sprite-SUCCUBUSColossal Succubus
Sprite-XLARCHDEMONColossal Archdemon
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Skull Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Skullone (swarm)
Amount per: 1

Skull Swarm
0:05 / 100%
Unit: Skullone (swarm)
Amount per: 2
Delay: 5 seconds

Skull Swarm
0:15 / 100%
Unit: Skullone (swarm)
Amount per: 4
Delay: 15 seconds

Skull Swarm
0:25 / 100%
Unit: Skullone (swarm)
Amount per: 8
Delay: 25 seconds

Skull Swarm
0:35 / 100%
Unit: Skullone (swarm)
Amount per: 16
Delay: 35 seconds
5:00 Sprite-SKELETONSkeleton 1 1.0 Sprite-SKULL2Giant Skull
Sprite-XLSKELETONColossal Skeleton
Sprite-XLDRAGON1Colossal Bone Dragon
Sprite-XLDRAGON2Colossal Flame Dragon
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-PILE3Giant Goat-Horned Shooter
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Arcana
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Ghost Swarm
0:01 / 70% / x3
Unit: Ghost (swarm)
Chance: 70%
Repeats (max): 2
Delay: 1.2 seconds
Goat-Horned Shooter is an Arcana holder; it only spawns if Arcanas are enabled, and the chest dropped by it only awards an Arcana.
6:00 Sprite-HARPYHarzia 1 1.0 Sprite-HARPYColossal Harpy
Sprite-BOSS XLCOCKATRICEColossal Gallotrice
Sprite-PANTHERColossal Panther
Sprite-XLCHIMERAColossal Manticore
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
7:00 Sprite-MILKMilk Elemental 1 1.0 Sprite-BOSS MIGNO2 5Minotaur Boss
Sprite-MERMA2Merman Boss
Sprite-XLTRITONKing Triton
Sprite-BOSS XLCRABGiant Enemy Crab
Sprite-MOON BOSS CRABBINOGiant Crabbino
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Jellyfish Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Jellyfish (swarm)
Amount per: 80
Duration: 10 seconds
8:00 Sprite-ARMOR SWORDSword Knight 1 1.0 Sprite-BOSS ARMOR1Axe Guardian
Sprite-XLARMOR SWORDSword Guardian
Sprite-XLARMOR1Red Knight Guardian
Sprite-XLARMOR2Shield Guardian
Sprite-XLARMOR GREENColossal Green Knight
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Duration: 20 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:02 / 60% / x11
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 6
Chance: 60%
Repeats (max): 10
Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds
9:00 Sprite-BOSS EYE2Unknown 1 1.0 Sprite-MOON NIGHTSHADEColossal Moon Nightshade
Sprite-MOON GARLICColossal Moon Garlic
Sprite-BOSS TRINACRIATrinacria
Sprite-BOSS EYE2Colossal Eyeball
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
10:00 - 1 1.0 Sprite-EnderEnder
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-TRAINEEElite Reaper Trainee
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Arcana
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- Elite Reaper Trainee is an Arcana holder; it only spawns if Arcanas are enabled, and the chest dropped by it only awards an Arcana.
11:00 Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat 1 1.0 Sprite-BOSS XLSTALKERStalker
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
12:00 Sprite-XLGOLEM1Massive Golem
Sprite-XLGOLEM2Massive Golem
20 1.0 Sprite-XLGOLEM1Colossus
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
13:00 Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat 20 1.0 Sprite-IMPGiant Mimic (x3) - -
14:00 Sprite-BOSS DRAGOGIONDragogion 20 1.0 Sprite-BOSS DRAGOGIONDragogion
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
15:00 - 1 10 Sprite-BOSS XLDEATHThe Reaper - All enemies on the screen are cleared. For every minute past 15, another Reaper spawns.


  • Before version 1.0, the stage's description was as follows: "Distinguished guests, the moment we've all been itching for is finally here! Let's watch the survivors attempt this challenge of recycled assets!"

  • Stage-Old Mad ForestOld Mad Forest
  • Stage-Rough AwakeningRough Awakening
  • Stage-Risky WoodsRisky Woods
  • Stage-Rotten OrchardRotten Orchard
  • Stage-Garlic ParadiseGarlic Paradise
  • Stage-RetirementRetirement
  • Stage-Deep LoreDeep Lore
  • Stage-Castle GroundsCastle Grounds Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Shrine ValleyShrine Valley Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Forbidden PeaksForbidden Peaks Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Hidden CaveHidden Cave Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Frozen LakeFrozen Lake Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Tanuki ForestTanuki Forest Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Mt. MoonspellMt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Meeting CalledMeeting Called Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Suspect SecuritySuspect Security Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-EjectedEjected Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Don't Get GhostedDon't Get Ghosted Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Space RocksSpace Rocks Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Emergency MeatingEmergency Meating Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Planar BazaarPlanar Bazaar
  • Stage-Attack AggressivelyAttack Aggressively Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Bullet BitersBullet Biters Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Neo City ChaosNeo City Chaos Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Operation Gun CityOperation: Gun City Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Run & GunRun & Gun Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Alien RevengeanceAlien Revengeance Operation Guns DLC
