Vampire Survivors Wiki

Enemies are entities in Vampire Survivors that attack the player's character, simply by approaching them. By killing enemies the player gains experience and can level up, gaining access to more weapons and passive items. A list of all enemies, along with their stats and descriptions, can be found in the game's Bestiary.


Upon entering a stage, an initial amount of enemies depending on the stage modifiers spawns. Thereafter the game periodically attempts to spawn enemies. Enemies generally spawn just outside the screen and can despawn if the player moves far enough from them.


Enemies normally arrive in waves - one wave every minute. Each wave specifies a minimum amount and a spawn interval for the enemies. If the minimum amount is not met when the game attempts to spawn enemies, enemies will be spawned until the quota is filled. If more enemies than the minimum amount is present, one of each type of enemies in the wave will be spawned. When 300 or more enemies are alive the game will not spawn more enemies periodically, and only bosses and enemies from map events can spawn.


Bosses are special enemies that spawn in some waves. They are stronger than other enemies in the wave, having more health, dealing more damage and often also being resistant to some effects. Bosses also have a chance to drop a Treasure Chest when they are killed. Bosses do not despawn when the player moves away from them, but get teleported back to the screen.

Map events[]

Map events are short events that spawn groups of enemies outside the regular spawning cycle. Map events can, for example, summon a swarm of enemies that quickly sweep across the screen or encircle the player with high health enemies.

Wave events[]

Map events are usually tied to a wave and trigger at the same second marks every time for that wave, making it possible to anticipate them. Multiple events can take place during a wave. Each event specifies how many enemies are spawned, how many times and what intervals the event is repeated.

Wave events usually also have a chance for them to happen, which is reduced by Luck:

The chance is unique for each event and is evaluated for every repeat of the event. If the event has no chance listed or a chance of 0, it is guaranteed to play out.


Dairy Plant and Gallo Tower feature circular pressure plates on the ground, which upon being stepped on trigger an unavoidable event. The event chosen at random from a set of predetermined options unique to the stage. The trap events have a global cooldown, which depends on Luck:

Special events[]

Special events are usually one time events that are spawned on global timer and/or have unique trigger conditions. They are not part of the stage's waves, so the enemies introduced through them cannot appear in Green Acres.


Like player, enemies have stats, which define how they interact with other effects.

Base stats[]

Health describes how much damage is required to kill the enemy.
Power describes how much damage the enemy does to the player upon coming in contact with them before modifications, such as Armor.
Speed, or MoveSpeed, describes how fast the enemy moves.
Knockback is a multiplier for the strength of the pushing effect when hit by the player's weapons.
XP describes how much experience the enemy grants when killed.


Freeze resistance
Freeze resistance prevents the enemy from being frozen by the player. It is given as a numerical value. If the enemy's freeze resistance is higher than freeze chance of the weapon they were hit by it will not be frozen. Freeze from Orologion goes through freeze resistance.
Kill resistance
Kill resistance grants immunity to effects that instantly defeat an enemy by dealing damage to them equal to their maximum health. Instant kill can be applied by Pentagram, Gorgeous Moon and Rosary.
Debuff resistance
Debuff resistance grants an immunity to effects that weaken the affected enemy upon hit. Effects classified as debuffs are the knockback and freeze resistance reductions from Garlic and Soul Eater, and the slow effect from Mannajja.


Skills are passive effects some enemies have.

HP x Level
HP x Level multiplies the enemy's health based on the player's level. This is applied the moment the enemy was spawned, and will not be updated in case the player gains levels while it's alive.
Fixed Direction
Causes the enemy to only move in a straight line, instead of continuously homing to the player.
Also known as "Medusa". Causes the enemy to move in a wavy pattern.


Some mechanics in the game specifically target enemies, altering their stats and spawning.


Curse is a stat that increases the Max Health and MoveSpeed of the enemies and the frequency they spawn. The new spawn interval with any amount of Curse can be calculated as follows:

Hyper mode[]

Hyper mode in each stage increases the minimum amount of enemies spawned and the movement speed of enemies. It may also increase their maximum health.

List of enemies[]

Currently, there are 198 unique enemies in the game: 138 of them appear as normal enemies, 58 as bosses, 39 in map events and 4 under special conditions.

# Sprite Name (tentative) Stages Notes
001 Sprite-BAT1 Sprite-BAT2 Sprite-BAT3 Pipeestrello Mad Forest,Gallo Tower -
002 Sprite-BAT6 Bloodbath Gallo Tower -
003 Sprite-SKULLINO Skullino Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone -
004 Sprite-SKULOROSSO Skulorosso Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone -
005 Sprite-SKELANGUE Scarleton Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone Has three lives.
Skeleton Mad Forest, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone -
007 Sprite-ZOMBIE Sprite-ZOMBIE-2 Sprite-ZOMBIE-3 Zombie Mad Forest -
008 Sprite-MUDMAN1 Sprite-MUDMAN2 Mudman Mad Forest -
009 Sprite-FLOWER Sprite-FLOWER-2 Flower Wall Mad Forest HP x Level
010 Sprite-GHOST Sprite-GHOST-2 Ghost Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Gallo Tower, Moongolow -
011 Sprite-WEREWOLF Werewolf Mad Forest -
012 Sprite-MUD Dust Elemental Inlaid Library Colossal version has HP x Level.
013 Sprite-BUER Lionhead Inlaid Library HP x Level
014 Sprite-MILK Milk Elemental Dairy Plant -
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON1 Dragon Shrimp Gallo Tower HP x Level
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON2 Flame Dragon Shrimp Gallo Tower HP x Level
020 Sprite-MUMMY Mummy Inlaid Library -
021 Sprite-MEDUSA1 Sprite-MEDUSA2 Sneaky Head Inlaid Library Colossal version has HP x Level.
022 Sprite-HARPY Harzia Gallo Tower Has a version that has ixed direction, moves vertically in a wavy pattern.
023 Sprite-ECTO1 Sprite-ECTO2 Musc Musc Inlaid Library Colossal version has HP x Level.
024 Sprite-IMP Impefinger Gallo Tower -
025 Sprite-DULL0 Sprite-DULL1 Sprite-DULL2 Testa di Mano Inlaid Library, Gallo Tower -
026 Sprite-DEVIL1 Sprite-DEVIL1-2 Ghiavolo Gallo Tower -
027 Sprite-XLMAGIO Undead Mage Gallo Tower Shoots bullets at 2 second intervals.
028 Sprite-WITCH1 Undead Witch Inlaid Library -
029 Sprite-WITCH2 Undead Sassy Witch Inlaid Library -
030 Sprite-XLARMOR1 Archon Spada Gallo Tower -
031 Sprite-XLARMOR2 Archon Disco Gallo Tower -
032 Sprite-XLMEDUSA Merdusa Inlaid Library -
033 Sprite-XLBAT Giant Bat Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Tiny Bridge -
034 Sprite-XLMANTIS Mantichana Mad Forest -
035 Sprite-XLMUMMY Big Mummy Mad Forest -
036 Sprite-XLFLOWER Venus Mad Forest -
037 Sprite-FISHMAN Sprite-MERMA1 Sprite-MERMA2 Sprite-MERMA3 Sprite-MOON FISHMAN Merman Dairy Plant, Moongolow -
038 Sprite-LIZARD1 Lizardman Dairy Plant -
039 Sprite-PILE1 Twin Snakes Dairy Plant Cannot move, shoots bullets at 2 second intervals.
040 Sprite-LIZARD2 Lizard Rook Dairy Plant -
041 Sprite-PILE2 Twin Demons Dairy Plant, The Bone Zone Cannot move, shoots bullets at 1.5 second intervals.
042 Sprite-JELLYFISH2 Sprite-MOON JELLYFISH Jellyfish Dairy Plant, Moongolow Some version has fixed direction.
043 Sprite-SKELENIN1 Sprite-SKELENIN2 Skeleton Ninja Dairy Plant, The Bone Zone -
044 Sprite-PILE3 Lost Twin Dairy Plant, The Bone Zone Cannot move, shoots bullets at 1 second intervals.
045 Sprite-GOLEM1 Golem Dairy Plant -
046 Sprite-MIGNO1 5 Minotaur Dairy Plant -
047 Sprite-MIGNO3 5 Mignotaur Dairy Plant Fixed direction
048 Sprite-ARMORSPEAR Archon Lancia Dairy Plant -
049 Sprite-ARMOR 6 Archon Ascia Dairy Plant -
050 Sprite-SKELEWING Skelewing Dairy Plant -
051 Sprite-XLTRITON Tritont Dairy Plant -
052 Sprite-XLCHIMERA Manticore Gallo Tower -
053 Sprite-XLCOCKATRICE Gallotrice Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower -
054 Sprite-XLGOLEM1 Sprite-XLGOLEM2 Big Golem Dairy Plant, Boss Rash Some version has HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
055 Sprite-XLGOLEM3 Sprite-XLGOLEM4 Meat Golem Gallo Tower -
056 Sprite-XLARMOR SWORD Sword Guardian Dairy Plant -
058 Sprite-MOLISANO BASE Sprite-MOLISANO BASE-2 Sprite-MOLISANO BASE-3 Sprite-MOLISANO SECCO Sprite-MOLISANO SECCO-2 Sad Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
059 Sprite-MOLISANO GIALLO Sprite-MOLISANO GIALLO-2 Sprite-MOLISANO ROSSO Sprite-MOLISANO ROSSO-2 Sprite-MOLISANO ROSSO-3 Happy Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
060 Sprite-MOLISANO BELLO Sprite-MOLISANO BELLO-2 Sprite-MOLISANO FAGIOLO Sprite-MOLISANO FAGIOLO-2 Sprite-MOLISANO FAGIOLO-3 Cute Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
061 Sprite-MOLISANO COLONNA Sprite-MOLISANO COLONNA-2 Old Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
062 Sprite-MOLISANO VECCHIO Sprite-MOLISANO VECCHIO-2 Dead Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
063 Sprite-PILE4 Twin Skulls The Bone Zone Cannot move, shoots bullets at 1 second intervals.
064 Sprite-SKULLNOAURA Sprite-SKULL2 Skullone Inlaid Library, Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone, Tiny Bridge Some version has HP x Level.
065 Sprite-SKELEPANTHER Skeleton Panther The Bone Zone -
066 Sprite-XLSKELETON Giant Skeleton The Bone Zone -
Skeletone The Bone Zone HPxLevel
068 Sprite-SKETAMARI Sketamari The Bone Zone Absorbs other enemies and gains their health.

Fixed direction, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

074 Sprite-MOON SNEK Sprite-MOON SNEK GREEN Sprite-MOON SNEK RED Serpentvine Moongolow -
075 Sprite-MOON GARLIC Garlic Moongolow -
076 Sprite-MOON NIGHTSHADE Nightshade Moongolow -
077 Sprite-MOON SHADEBLUE Sig.ra Blu Moongolow Ignores collision.
078 Sprite-MOON CRABBINO Non-Giant Enemy Crab Moongolow HPxLevel
079 Sprite-MOON EYE1 Unknown Moongolow Appears only during lunar eclipse.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Ignores collision.

Sprite-TRAINEE B Sprite-TRAINEE Sprite-TRAINEE G Sprite-TRAINEE P Sprite-TRAINEE R «Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Dommario  »
Reaper Trainee Cappella Magna, Eudaimonia Machine HPxLevel, resistant to knockback and freeze.

Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».

081 Sprite-KALI1 Sprite-KALI2 Tetrabrachia Cappella Magna -
082 Sprite-ARMOR FIRE Archon Fiamma Cappella Magna -
083 Sprite-SUCCUBUS Succubus Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
084 Sprite-XLARMOR GREEN Archon Rame Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
085 Sprite-DEMON Demon Priest Cappella Magna Has a "fast" variant that moves twice as fast.
086 Sprite-ANGEL1 Sprite-ANGEL1-2 Fallen Cherub Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
087 Sprite-ANGEL2 Fallen Cherubbello Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
088 Sprite-ANGEL3 Fallen Throne Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
089 Sprite-XLARMOR GOLD Archon Oro Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
090 Sprite-XLDEMON Sprite-XLDEMON2 Demon Beast Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
091 Sprite-XLARCHDEMON Archdemon Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
092 Sprite-TRINACRIA Small Trinacria Cappella Magna Resistant to knockback.
Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Arca Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Christine Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Concetta Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Dommario Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Gennaro Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Giovanna Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Imelda Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Krochi Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Lama Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Poe Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Pasqualina Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Poppea Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Porta Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Pugnala Sprite-STAGEKILLER-Clerici
Stage Killer Cappella Magna HPxLevel
109 Sprite-XXLBAT LV128 Golden Bat Bat Country, Green Acres -
118 Sprite-MS SPIRIT1 Sprite-MS SPIRIT2 Spiritello Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC -
121 Sprite-MS TSUCHINOKO Tsuchinoko Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC -
122 Sprite-MS MIKOS Mikoshi-nyudo Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC -
123 Sprite-MS KAMAITACHI Kamaitachi Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
124 Sprite-MS RAIJU Raiju Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
125 Sprite-MS YAMAMBA1 Sprite-MS YAMAMBA2 Yamamba Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
127 Sprite-MS TENGU Tengu Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
128 Sprite-MS TSUCHIGUMO Tsuchigumo Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
129 Sprite-MS ONIWIND Windy Oni Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
130 Sprite-MS ONITHUNDER Thunderous Oni Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
134 Sprite-FS GOBLIN Chompo Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
135 Sprite-FS GEF Ceffoose Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
136 Sprite-FS SALMON Wiseparke Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
137 Sprite-FS SELKIE Nutmeg Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
126 Sprite-FS WULVER Vulvio Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
127 Sprite-FS LAMB Lammuga Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
128 Sprite-FS HTROW Hill Trow Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
129 Sprite-FS STROW Sea Trow Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
130 Sprite-FS CLOWN Sam the Sundown Clown Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
132 Sprite-FS BROWN Brownie Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
133 Sprite-FS GREEN Sprite-FS GREEN RED Green Knight Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
134 Sprite-FS AILLEN Crocifriggitore Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
135 Sprite-FS DUERG Notadam Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
136 Sprite-FS GLORY Hand of Glory Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
137 Sprite-FS MARI Maronna Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
138 Sprite-FS NJUGG Sprite-FS NJUGGB Njuggles Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
139 Sprite-FS HAG Average Hag Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
141 Sprite-FS GGHOST Sprite-FS GGGHOST Ghostly Apparition Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
143 Sprite-FS CAULD Cauld Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
144 Sprite-REDUSA Redusa Head Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
146 Sprite-HEMO Sprite-HEMO2 Blood Moss Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
148 Sprite-FS ROTGHOUL Rotting Ghoul Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
149 Sprite-FS FLAMINGSKULL Burning Skull Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
150 Sprite-FS WORM Sprite-FS WORM2 Missing Church Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC, Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
151 Sprite-FS SNAK Snek Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
152 Sprite-FS SHOOTER Lost Head Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Cannot move, shoots bullets at 2 or 1.5 second intervals.
153 Sprite-FS MEATBALL Meatball Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
154 Sprite-FS MEATY Followa Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
155 Sprite-FS EDNA Edna Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
156 Sprite-FS HORCAULD Cold Cauld Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
157 Sprite-FS HORWORM Well Dweller Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
158 Sprite-FS HORNJUGG Wet Njuggles Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
159 Sprite-FS HORAILLEN Crocifriggitone Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
160 Sprite-FS HORDUERG Still Notadam Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
161 Sprite-FS HORGLORY Glove of Glory Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
162 Sprite-FS HORMARI Maronna Meea Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
163 Sprite-FS FMCONAND Sprite-FS FMBALOR Sprite-FS FMINDECH Fomorians Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
- Sprite-BAT4 Glowing Bat Mad Forest HP x Level
- Sprite-BAT5 Silver Bat Mad Forest HP x Level
- Sprite-BAT3 «Sprite-FANGEL1  » Fallen Angel Cappella Magna Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».
- Sprite-BAT3 «Sprite-FANGEL2  » Elite Fallen Angel Cappella Magna Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».
- Sprite-XLBAT «Sprite-FANGEL3  » Fallen Archangel Cappella Magna Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».
- Sprite-BAT3 «Sprite-ANGEL1  » Bell Angel Holy Forbidden Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».
- Sprite-MOLISANO GROSSO Sprite-MOLISANO GROSSO-2 Big Molisano Il Molise Cannot move.
- Sprite-MOLISANO ANFORA Sprite-MOLISANO ANFORA-2 Sprite-MOLISANO ANFORA-3 Molisano Anfora Il Molise Cannot move. Drops coins instead of Experience Gems.
- Sprite-XLSWORDIAN Swordian Tiny Bridge -
- Sprite-MS KAMAITACHI Bridge Minion Tiny Bridge -


# Sprite Name (tentative) Stages Notes
- Sprite-BAT4 Glowing Bat Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

HP x Level

034 Sprite-XLMANTIS Sprite-XLMANTIS Mantichana Mad Forest, Boss Rash Some version HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
033 Sprite-XLBAT Giant Bat Mad Forest, Boss Rash Some version has HPxLevel, resistant to freeze.
- Sprite-BAT5 Silver Bat Mad Forest, Inlaid Library HP x Level
011 Sprite-WEREWOLF Werewolf Lord Mad Forest, Boss Rash HP x Level
035 Sprite-XLMUMMY Sprite-XLMUMMY Mummy Lord Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Boss Rash Some version has HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
036 Sprite-XLFLOWER Sprite-XLFLOWER Venus Mad Forest, Boss Rash Defeating unlocks hyper mode for Mad Forest.

Some version has HP x Level, resistant to freeze.

023 Sprite-BOSS ECTO Colossal Musc Musc Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level
013 Sprite-BOSS BUER Colossal Lionhead Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level
021 Sprite-BOSS MEDUSA1 Colossal Sneaky Head Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level
012 Sprite-BOSS MUD Colossal Dust Elemental Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level
032 Sprite-XLMEDUSA Queen Merdusa Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
029 Sprite-WITCH2 Master Witch Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
019 Sprite-BOSS COUNT2 Nesufritto Inlaid Library, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
018 Sprite-BOSS COUNT1 Hag Inlaid Library, Boss Rash Defeating unlocks the hyper mode for Inlaid Library.

HP x Level, resistant to freeze, knockback, instant kill, and debuffs. Ignores collision.

040 Sprite-LIZARD2 Lizard Rook Dairy Plant -
046 Sprite-BOSS MIGNO2 5 Minotaur Champion Dairy Plant HP x Level
037 Sprite-MERMA2 Sprite-MERMA3 Merman Boss Dairy Plant, Boss Rash HP x Level
044 Sprite-PILE3 Colossal Lost Twin Dairy Plant, Boss Rash Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled in Boss Rash.

HP x Level, cannot move.

051 Sprite-XLTRITON King Tritont Dairy Plant, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
049 Sprite-BOSS ARMOR1 Axe Guardian Dairy Plant, Cappella Magna, Boss Rash HP x Level
054 Sprite-XLGOLEM1 Sprite-XLGOLEM2 Colossus Dairy Plant, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
046 Sprite-BOSS MIGNO2 5 Minotaur Boss Dairy Plant, Boss Rash HP x Level
056 Sprite-XLARMOR SWORD Sword Guardian Dairy Plant, Boss Rash Defating unlocks hyper mode for Dairy Plant.

Some version has HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

053 Sprite-BOSS XLCOCKATRICE Colossal Gallotrice Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, Boss Rush HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
005 Sprite-SKELANGUE Scarleton Gallo Tower Has three lives.
- Sprite-DEVIL3 Elite Devil Gallo Tower HP x Level
027 Sprite-XLMAGIO Undead Mage Gallo Tower Shoots bullets at 2 second intervals.
064 Sprite-SKULL2 Giant Skullone Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone, Boss Rash HP x Level
022 Sprite-HARPY Colossal Harzia Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON1 Colossal Bone Dragon Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level
- Sprite-BOSS GALLO Gallo Gallo Tower HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Ignores collision.
031 Sprite-XLARMOR2 Shield Guardian Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze.
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON2 Colossal Flame Dragon Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level, Treasure Chest dropped by this enemy can evolve up to 3 weapons.
- Sprite-PANTHER Colossal Panther Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level
057 Sprite-BOSS XLCRAB Sprite-BOSS XLPINCER Giant Enemy Crab Gallo Tower, Boss Rash Defeating unlocks hyper mode for Gallo Tower. Treasure Chests dropped by this enemy can evolve up to 5 weapons.

HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Can regenerate its pincers and summon Drowner.

052 Sprite-XLCHIMERA Colossal Manticore Gallo Tower, Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
- Sprite-XLBAT «Sprite-FANGEL3  » Fallen Archangel Cappella Magna Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».
079 Sprite-BOSS EYE2 Colossal Unknown Cappella Magna, Boss Rash HPxLevel, resistant to knockback.
- Sprite-XLBAT «Sprite-BOSS FANGEL3  » Colossal Fallen Archangel Cappella Magna Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».


083 Sprite-BOSS SUCCUBUS Colossal Succubus Cappella Magna, Boss Rash HPxLevel
084 Sprite-BOSS XLARMOR GREEN Colossal Archon Rame Cappella Magna, Boss Rash, Tiny Bridge HPxLevel
091 Sprite-BOSS XLARCHDEMON Colossal Archdemon Cappella Magna, Boss Rash HPxLevel
092 Sprite-BOSS TRINACRIA Trinacria Cappella Magna, Boss Rash Defeating unlocks hyper mode for Cappella Magna

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

099 Sprite-Ender The Ender Cappella Magna, Boss Rash The Ender fires small scythes projectiles and creates beams of Reaper Trainees, coffins, fire explosions, and sprite work of the base weapons. It also has a shield that temporarily absorbs damage.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

062 Sprite-MOLISANO VECCHIO Sprite-MOLISANO VECCHIO-2 Dead Molisano Il Molise Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

Cannot move.

078 Sprite-MOON CRABBINO Non-Giant Enemy Crab Moongolow, Boss Rash HPxLevel
075 Sprite-MOON GARLIC Colossal Garlic Moongolow, Boss Rash Resistant to knockback.
076 Sprite-MOON NIGHTSHADE Colossal Nightshade Moongolow, Boss Rash Resistant to knockback.
079 Sprite-MOON EYE1 Sprite-MOON EYE1 Unknown Moongolow, Boss Rash Appears only during lunar eclipse.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Ignores collision.

092 Sprite-MOON TRINACRIA Moon Trinacria Moongolow Appears only during lunar eclipse.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

073 Sprite-MASK RIGHT Moongolow Atlanteans Moongolow Drops a Golden Egg upon death.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

- Sprite-SKELEGLOW Glowing Skeleton The Bone Zone HPxLevel
066 Sprite-XLSKELETON Colossal Skeleton The Bone Zone, Boss Rash HPxLevel, resistant to freeze.
030 Sprite-XLARMOR1 Red Knight Guardian Boss Rash HPxLevel, resistant to freeze.
Elite Reaper Trainee Boss Rash Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback and freeze.

096 Sprite-BOSS XLSTALKER The Stalker Boss Rash Can drop a Treasure Chest when defeated.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.

097 Sprite-BOSS XLDROWNER The Drowner Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
095 Sprite-BOSS TRICKSTER NORMAL The Trickster Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
098 Sprite-BOSS XLMADDENER The Maddener Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
Sprite-MUDMAN1 Sprite-FLOWER-2 Sprite-GHOST Sprite-MILK Sprite-SHADERED
Mimic Season One Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
Sprite-DULL0 Sprite-DEVIL Sprite-PILE4 Sprite-SKELEPANTHER
Mimic Season Two Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
Mimic Season Three Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
103 Sprite-BOSS DRAGOGION Tri-Anchors Boss Rash HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
- Sprite-BOSS XLSWORDIAN Swordian Tiny Bridge Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

HP x Level, fixed direction, floaty.

094 Sprite-BOSS XLDEATH The Reaper Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, Cappella Magna, Il Molise, Moongolow, Green Acres, The Bone Zone, Boss Rash Appears at the time limit of each stage, spawning every minute thereafter.

HP x Level, resistant to freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Negates knockback.

106 Sprite-MS BOSS SPIRIT Sprite-MS BOSS SPIRIT2 Spiritello Boss Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level
110 Sprite-MS MIKOS Mikoshi-nyudo Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC -
112 Sprite-MS BOSS RAIJU Raiju Boss Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
118 Sprite-MS ONITHUNDER Thunderous Oni Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
117 Sprite-MS ONIWIND Windy Oni Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Resistant to knockback.
114 Sprite-MS BOSS TANUKI Tanuki Boss Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
111 Sprite-MS BOSS KAMAITACHI Kamaitachi Boss Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
116 Sprite-MS TSUCHIGUMO Sprite-MS BOSS TSUCHIGUMO Tsuchigumo Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
115 Sprite-MS BOSS TENGU Tengu Boss Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
121 Sprite-MS OROCHIMARIO Orochimario Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
053 Sprite-XLCOCKATRICE Foscaritrice Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
053 Sprite-BOSS XLCOCKATRICE Colossal Foscaritrice Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
125 Sprite-FS BOSS SELKIE Nutmeg Boss Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level.
138 Sprite-FS NJUGG Njuggles Boss Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
130 Sprite-FS BOSS CLOWN Sam the Boss Clown Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
053 Sprite-FS COCKATRICE BOSS3 Arcana Foscaritrice Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Arcana holder; only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback.

126 Sprite-FS BOSS WULVER Vulvio Boss Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
127 Sprite-FS BOSS LAMB Lammuga Boss Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
150 Sprite-FS WORM Sprite-FS WORM2 Missing Church Boss Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
133 Sprite-FS BOSS GREEN GREEN Deep Green Knight Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
141 Sprite-FS BOSS AGAEA Avatar of Gaea Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.
133 Sprite-FS BOSS GREEN 28 Big Green Knight Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback and freeze.
148 Sprite-FS ROTGHOUL Rotting Ghoul Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Resistant to knockback.
144 Sprite-FS BOSS REDUSA Colossal Redusa Head Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Arcana holder; some only spawns if Arcanas are enabled.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback.

149 Sprite-FS BOSS FLAMINGSKULL Flaming Skull Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
153 Sprite-FS BOSS GREEN 28 Colossal Meatball Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback and freeze.
156 Sprite-FS BOSS HORCAULD Warm Cauld Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
155 Sprite-FS BOSS EDNA Edna Boss Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
157 Sprite-FS BOSS HORWORM Well Well Well Dweller Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
162 Sprite-FS BOSS HORMARI Maronna Meea Boss Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
163 Sprite-FS FMCETHLENN Sprite-FS FMELATHA Fomorian Bosses Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback and freeze.
164 Sprite-Je-Ne-Viv Je-Ne-Viv Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.


# Sprite Name (tentative) Stages Notes
001 Sprite-BAT1 Sprite-BAT2 Sprite-BAT3 Pipeestrello Swarm Mad Forest Fixed direction, spawns in the Bat Swarm event
Skeleton Swarm - Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
Sprite-FLOWER-2 Sprite-MS FLOWER1 Sprite-MS FLOWER2
Flower Wall Mad Forest, Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC, Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level
010 Sprite-GHOST Ghost Swarm Mad Forest Fixed movement, spawns in the Ghost Swarm event.
014 Sprite-MILK Milk Elemental Swarm Dairy Plant Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG Dragon Swarm Gallo Tower HP x Level, fixed direction, ignores collision.
015 Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG Dragon Stream Gallo Tower HP x Level, fixed direction, ignores collision.
016 Sprite-SHADERED Shade Bomb Inlaid Library Self-destruct attack, ignores collision.
017 Sprite-POLTER Sprite-Experience Gem Poltergeist Roulette Gallo Tower, The Trickster Cannot move, ignores collision
021 Sprite-MEDUSA1 Sprite-MEDUSA2 Medusa Wall Inlaid Library Fixed direction, moves horizontally in a wavy pattern, ignores collision.
021 Sprite-MEDUSA1 Sprite-MEDUSA2 Medusa Swarm Inlaid Library Fixed direction, spawns in the Sneaky Head Swarm event.
023 Sprite-ECTO2 Musc Musc Swarm Dairy Plant There is a 1/9 chance to trigger the Musc Musc Swarm event, which summons a large amount of Big Musc Muscs, upon stepping on trap.
024 Sprite-IMP Impefinger Swarm Gallo Tower There is a 1/7 chance to trigger the Impefinger Swarm event, upon stepping on a trap.
Sprite-PILE1 Sprite-PILE2


Pile Assault Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn a lot of bullet shooting enemies around that appear in the stage.
034 Sprite-MEDUSA1 Sprite-MEDUSA2 Foscari Mantichana Circle Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Circle event.
042 Sprite-JELLYFISH2 Jellyfish Wall Dairy Plant Fixed movement, ignores collision
042 Sprite-JELLYFISH2 Jellyfish Swarm Dairy Plant Fixed direction
047 Sprite-MIGNO3 5 Minotaur Rush Dairy Plant Appears in the Minotaur Rush event. Fixed direction.
063 Sprite-PILE4 Skull Pile Pile The Bone Zone Spawns a pair of columns of 12 Twin Skulls on both sides of the player.
064 Sprite-SKULL2 Skull Swarm Inlaid Library, The Bone Zone, Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Fixed direction, ignores collision.
079 Sprite-MOON EYE1 Eyespin Moongolow, Holy Forbidden Appears only during lunar eclipse in Moongolow.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs. Ignores collision. Circles the player at set distance.

092 Sprite-MOON TRINACRIA Trinacria X Holy Forbidden HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
095 Sprite-BOSS TRICKSTER NORMAL The Trickster Cappella Magna, Holy Forbidden Summons Poltergeist Gems around the player that self-destruct when approached. Trickster can also chase and attack the player directly.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

096 Sprite-BOSS XLSTALKER The Stalker Dairy Plant, The Bone Zone, Cappella Magna Can drop a Treasure Chest when defeated.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.

097 Sprite-BOSS XLDROWNER The Drowner Gallo Tower, The Bone Zone, Cappella Magna Appears at the time limit of Gallo Tower or when summoned by Giant Enemy Crab. Can drop a chest when defeated.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs. Cannot be defeated using Pentagram, or when it spawns at the time limit.

098 Sprite-BOSS XLMADDENER The Maddener Cappella Magna, Holy Forbidden Changes the appearance of some enemies. Has a unique attack sequence in Holy Forbidden. Spawns weakened in Cappella Magna.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

106 Sprite-MS SPIRIT1 Sprite-MS SPIRIT2 SWARM Spiritello Swarm Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
124 Sprite-FS SALMON Wiseparke Swarm Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a Medusa Swarm event.
130 Sprite-FS CLOWN Sam Swarm Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
131 Sprite-FS CAKE Sammy Swarm Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a Medusa Swarm event.
145 Sprite-RELLYFISH Rellyfish Wall Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a Jellyfish Wall event.
146 Sprite-HEMO Sprite-HEMO2 Blood Moss Swarm Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
147 Sprite-BOSS XLBLINDER The Blinder Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Can drop a Treasure Chest when defeated.

HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, and debuffs.

148 Sprite-FS ROTGHOUL Rotting Ghoul Swarm Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
149 Sprite-FS FLAMINGSKULL Burning Skull Swarm Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
151 Sprite-FS SNAK Snek Swarm Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a Skull Swarm event.
151 Sprite-FS SNAK Snek Swarm Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Swarm event.
- Shooting Star Gallo Tower, Holy Forbidden -
- Sprite-MOON ANFORA Sprite-MOON ANFORA-2 Moon Anfora Moongolow Drops a Gold Coin instead of XP upon death.

Cannot move.

- Sprite-BAT3 «Sprite-MOON BAT PROJECTILE  » Bell Angel Striker Holy Forbidden Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».

Fixed direction, ignores collision.

- Sprite-SHADERED «Sprite-MOON SHADE  » Bell Angel Bomber Holy Forbidden Changes appearance in «Maddener's presence».

Self-destruct attack, ignores collision.

- File:Sprite-XLDRAGON3 FLAG.png Serpentine Skeleton Dragon The Bone Zone HP x Level, fixed direction, ignores collision.
- Sprite-XLSWORDIAN Monster Rain The Bone Zone TBA
- Sprite-FS POT HP Foscari Pot Circle Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawn as a generic Circle event.


# Sprite Name (tentative) Stages Notes
Sun Atlantean
Moon Atlantean
City Atlantean
Volcano Atlantean
Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, Cappella Magna, Il Molise, Moongolow, Green Acres, The Bone Zone, Boss Rash, Mt.Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC, Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC, Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC Spawns when player gets near a hidden stage item that was unlocked by Yellow Sign. Drops Golden Egg instead of XP upon death.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

095 Sprite-BOSS TRICKSTER NORMAL The Trickster Inverse Inlaid Library Spawns naturally by a piano due east when playing on inverse mode.

HPxLevel, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.

097 Sprite-BOSS XLDROWNER The Drowner Gallo Tower Summoned by Giant Enemy Crab when the player is under it for a while.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, debuffs.

104 Sprite-XXLBAT LV128 Golden Bat Green Acres Spawns after teleporting into an unknown area whentravelling to the southwest of Green Acres.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, debuffs.

105 Sprite-DIRECTER The Directer Eudaimonia Machine
107 Sprite-MS HITOT Hitotsume-kozo Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level
108 Sprite-MS KAPPA Kappa Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level
114 Sprite-MS TANUKI Tanuki Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level
119 Sprite-MS ONI1-1 Sprite-MS ONI1-2 Big Oni Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
009 Sprite-MS FLOWER2 Moonspell Flower Wall 2 Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback.
120 Sprite-MS GOSHADOKURO Goshadokuro Mt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC HP x Level, resistant to instant kill.
138 Sprite-FS NJUGGB Scaling Fish-tailed Njuggles Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level
140 Sprite-FS MUSH HP Fungoman Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level
- Sprite-FS CRATE HP Foscari Crate Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level
009 Sprite-FLOWER Foscari Flower Wall Lake Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
- Sprite-FS ANFORA HP Abyss Anfora Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
136 Sprite-FS GLORY Hand of Glory Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC -
164 Sprite-Je-Ne-Viv Je-Ne-Viv Abyss Foscari Tides Of The Foscari DLC HP x Level, resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, and debuffs.
- Sprite-BOSS XLLEDA Leda Gallo Tower Naturally spawns at the very bottom of Gallo Tower.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, debuffs.

- Sprite-BOSS NOOB Boon Marrabio Mad Forest Spawns under certain conditions.

Resistant to knockback, freeze, instant kill, debuffs.

- Sprite-Avatar Avatar Infernas Inverse Inlaid Library Spawns under certain conditions.
- Sprite-Scorej-Oni Scorej-Oni Tiny Bridge Naturally spawns at the very east of Tiny Bridge.

Removed enemies[]

Sprite Name (tentative) Stages Notes
Sprite-BOSS COUNT2-old Count Inlaid Library HP x Level, resistant to freeze.

Other Information[]

  • White Hand is not added here because it is not considered an enemy or a mob by the games code as well as not appearing in the Bestiary.