Vampire Survivors Wiki

Exdash Exiviiq is one of the secret playable characters in Vampire Survivors. Its starting weapon is Ebony Wings.


Sprite-Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane "1) Cast the spell x-x1viiq."

The player can unlock this character by (quickly) typing "x-x1viiq", either while in main menu or as a Spell in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane.

If you're on a French azerty keyboard, you'll need to set your keyboard from FR to EN in Windows, and then type x)x&viia. Then you can set your keyboard back. If you use a macro (like AutoHotkey), you still need to put your keyboard in English (qwerty) but you need your macro to output x-x1viiq, and not x)x&viia.

Alternatively, there is a chance to unlock Exdash each time you collect a Little Clover, where TotalCollected is how many Little Clovers are collected in this save file.

Passive bonuses[]

Exdash starts with -23 Max Health, -10% MoveSpeed, -10% Might, -10% Area, -50% Speed, -10% Duration, +10% Cooldown, and +100% Luck.

The following table shows how much Luck it gains by level:

Level Luck
1-9 +0%
10-19 +10%
20-29 +20%
30-39 +30%
40-49 +40%
50+ +50%



  • Exdash's family name Exiviiq and the code x-x1viiq are references to the cheat code X-X!V''Q used in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which also gives the main hero Alucard a very high Luck stat in exchange for other stats being lower.
  • Exdash's starting max health before powerups is 77, and 7 is considered a lucky number, thereby further emphasizing Exdash as a character revolving around luck.