Vampire Survivors Wiki

Gallo Tower is the fourth stage in Vampire Survivors. This stage can be unlocked by reaching level 60 in Dairy Plant.

Alternatively, Gallo Tower can be unlocked in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane by casting the spell "everywhere".


An edifice of science and sorcery where horror was made manifest in the name of progress. Its many artifacts and experiments may lead us to what we seek.

Hyper mode[]

The hyper mode for this map can be unlocked by defeating the Giant Enemy Crab (25:00) in normal mode.

Hyper mode in Gallo Tower has +80% Gold and +10% Luck bonuses.


The following items can be found in this stage:

Stage items[]

On this stage, 2 unique passive items are spawned at the start. Milky Way Map displays the locations of these items. One of each item is guaranteed to appear.

The 4 hidden stage items are also present, if the player has obtained the Yellow Sign.


Two relics are located in Gallo Tower.


The coffin of Concetta Caciotta is located in Gallo Tower. The coffin can be found in a secret room, which can be accessed through a magic mirror. The magic mirror is located to the south-west of the coffin's location on the map, on the left side of the tower.


The stage's vertical layout causes enemies to mostly spawn above and below the screen.

NOTE: As official sources name only a few of the enemies, unit names are mostly made up based on their internal IDs and are subject to change.
Gallo Tower waves
Time Elapsed Enemies Enemy minimum Spawn interval (seconds) Bosses & Treasure Map events Notes
0:00 Sprite-SKULLINOSkullino 50 3.0 -
Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:05 / 100%
Unit: -
Amount per: 2
Delay: 5 seconds
Interval: 1.0 seconds
Range: 1 (max)
Shooting Star map event rains group of falling stars that impact at the marker locations after 2 seconds, dealing 30 damage in the area.
1:00 Sprite-SKULLINOSkullino
80 3.0 Sprite-SKELANGUEScarleton - Scarletons have 3 lives.
2:00 Sprite-SKULLINOSkullino
Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat
100 4.0 -
Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 1
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:05 / 70% / x5
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 3
Chance: 70%
Repeats (max): 4
Delay: 5 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds
Dragon Swarm map event spawns groups of serpentine dragons, which travel horizontally across the map.
3:00 Sprite-SKELANGUEScarleton 60 4.0 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 0.1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Upgrade (any)
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
4:00 Sprite-SKULLINOSkullino
110 4.0 Sprite-XLMAGIOUndead Mage
Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:05 / 50%
Unit: -
Amount per: 2
Chance: 50%
Delay: 5 seconds
Interval: 1.0 seconds
Range: 1 (max)

Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:10 / 50% / x3
Unit: -
Amount per: 2
Chance: 50%
Repeats (max): 2
Delay: 10 seconds
Interval: 1.0 seconds
Range: 1 (max)
5:00 Sprite-SKULL2Lesser Skullone
100 4.0 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Upgrade (weapon)
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:05 / 70% / x6
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Chance: 70%
Repeats (max): 5
Delay: 5 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds
6:00 Sprite-DULL0Lesser Testa di Mano
60 2.0 -
Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Stream
0:10 / 70%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 5
Chance: 70%
Delay: 10 seconds
Duration: 60 seconds
Interval: 1.33 seconds
Dragon Stream map event periodically spawns groups of serpentine dragons which travel horizontally across the map at the selected location until the end of the event.
7:00 Sprite-DEVIL1Sprite-DEVIL1-2Ghiavolo
Sprite-BAT3Red-Eyed Bat
80 2.0 -
Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Stream
0:05 / 70%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 5
Chance: 70%
Delay: 5 seconds
Duration: 60 seconds
Interval: 1.33 seconds
8:00 Sprite-SKULOROSSOSkulorosso
80 1.0 Sprite-SKULL2Giant Skullone
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 2
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Upgrade (weapon)
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
9:00 Sprite-DULL0Lesser Testa di Mano
200 0.5 -
Pile Assault
0:20 / 80%
Unit: Undead Mage
Amount per: 12
Chance: 80%
Delay: 20 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds
Range: 0.4
Pile Assault map event spawns a group of enemies around the player, shooting bullets at them.
10:00 Sprite-IMPImpefinger 100 0.5 Sprite-HARPYColossal Harpy
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Evolution
  3. Evolution
  4. Upgrade (weapon)
  5. Upgrade (weapon)

Pile Assault
0:10 / 100%
Unit: Undead Mage
Amount per: 6
Delay: 10 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds

Pile Assault
0:20 / 60%
Unit: Undead Mage
Amount per: 6
Chance: 60%
Delay: 20 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds
This Treasure Chest can exceptionally evolve up to 3 weapons, provided that a higher tier chest with more rewards is received.
11:00 Sprite-HARPYWandering Harzia
Sprite-XLDRAGON1Dragon Shrimp
60 2.0 Sprite-BAT4Glowing Bat
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 0% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 0% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Arcana
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- The Glowing Bat boss is an Arcana holder; it only spawns if Arcanas are enabled, and the chest dropped by it only awards an Arcana.
12:00 Sprite-HARPYWandering Harzia
80 1.0 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:05 / 70% / x6
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Chance: 70%
Repeats (max): 5
Delay: 5 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds
13:00 Sprite-HARPYHarzia
120 0.5 Sprite-XLDRAGON1Colossal Bone Dragon
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
14:00 Sprite-DULL0Lesser Testa di Mano
Sprite-HARPYWandering Harzia
300 0.1 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
15:00 Sprite-HARPYHarzia 100 0.1 Sprite-BOSS GALLOGallo
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Stream
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 5
Duration: 60 seconds
Interval: 1.0 seconds

Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:00 / 100%
Unit: -
Amount per: 12
Interval: 0.1 seconds
Range: 0.5 (max)

Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:05 / 50% / x7
Unit: -
Amount per: 3
Chance: 50%
Repeats (max): 6
Delay: 5 seconds
Interval: 0.1 seconds
Range: 1 (max)
Gallo has a lancet looking attack, which does not deal damage but briefly slows the player upon being hit.
16:00 Sprite-XLMAGIOUndead Mage 100 1.0 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 1% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 5% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:13 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 6
Delay: 13 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:02 / 90% / x13
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 3
Chance: 90%
Repeats (max): 12
Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds
17:00 Sprite-XLMAGIOUndead Mage
Sprite-XLDRAGON2Flame Dragon Shrimp
100 0.8 - - -
18:00 Sprite-SKELEWINGAggressive Skelewing
Sprite-XLDRAGON2Flame Dragon Shrimp
60 0.1 Sprite-XLARMOR2Shield Guardian
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
19:00 Sprite-SKELANGUEScarleton 200 0.5 - - -
20:00 Sprite-XLDRAGON1Dragon Shrimp
Sprite-DULL0Lesser Testa di Mano
100 0.5 Sprite-XLDRAGON2Colossal Flame Dragon
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Evolution
  5. Evolution

- This Treasure Chest can exceptionally evolve up to 3 weapons, provided that a higher tier chest with more rewards is received.
21:00 Sprite-XLARMOR1Archon Spada 100 0.1 Sprite-BAT4Glowing Bat
Level: 1
Evolution: No
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 0% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 0% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Arcana
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- The Glowing Bat boss is an Arcana holder; it only spawns if Arcanas are enabled, and the chest dropped by it only awards an Arcana.
22:00 Sprite-XLARMOR1Archon Spada
Sprite-XLARMOR2Archon Disco
80 1.0 Sprite-DEVIL3Elite Devil
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:02 / 100% / x26
Unit: -
Amount per: 3
Repeats (max): 25
Delay: 2 seconds
Interval: 0.1 seconds
Range: 1 (max)
23:00 Sprite-XLCOCKATRICEGallotrice
100 0.1 Sprite-BOSS XLCOCKATRICEColossal Gallotrice
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
24:00 Sprite-XLCHIMERAManticore 60 0.1 - - -
25:00 Sprite-SKULOROSSOSkulorosso 300 0.1 Sprite-BOSS XLPINCER
Sprite-BOSS XLCRABGiant Enemy Crab
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: -
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Evolution
  3. Evolution
  4. Evolution
  5. Evolution

- Defeating the Giant Enemy Crab unlocks the stage's hyper mode.

Giant Enemy Crab's pincers grow in size when damaged and regenerate after being destroyed. If the player stays below it, the crab can also summon a Drowner, which can also drop a chest.

The Treasure Chest from Giant Enemy Crab can exceptionally evolve up to 5 weapons and the chest from Drowner can evolve up to 3 weapons, provided that a higher tier chest with more rewards is received.

26:00 Sprite-XLGOLEM3Meat Golem 100 0.1 Sprite-BOSS XLCOCKATRICEColossal Gallotrice
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
27:00 Sprite-XLGOLEM4Meat Golem
100 1.0 Sprite-XLCHIMERAColossal Manticore
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 50%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 12

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:02 / 90% / x11
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 6
Chance: 90%
Repeats (max): 10
Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds
28:00 Sprite-XLGOLEM3
Sprite-XLGOLEM4Meat Golem
100 1.0 Sprite-XLCHIMERAColossal Manticore
Sprite-Treasure Chest
Level: 1
Evolution: Yes
Sprite-Treasure Chest 3 3% Sprite-Treasure Chest 2 10% Sprite-Treasure Chest 100%
  1. Evolution
  2. Upgrade (any)
  3. Upgrade (any)
  4. Upgrade (any)
  5. Upgrade (any)

- -
29:00 Sprite-XLDRAGON1Colossal Bone Dragon
Sprite-XLDRAGON2Colossal Flame Dragon
50 1.0 -
Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:00 / 100%
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 12
Duration: 30 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON2 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:01 / 90% / x51
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 2 (flag)
Amount per: 2
Chance: 90%
Repeats (max): 50
Delay: 1.1 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds

Sprite-XLDRAGON1 FLAG-head
Dragon Swarm
0:01 / 100% / x51
Unit: Dragon Shrimp 1 (flag)
Amount per: 2
Repeats (max): 50
Delay: 1.0 seconds
Duration: 20 seconds
30:00+ - 1 10 Sprite-BOSS XLDEATHThe Reaper
Sprite-BOSS XLDROWNERThe Drowner
Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:00 / 100%
Unit: -
Amount per: 1
Interval: 0.1 seconds
Range: 1 (max)

Exclamation Mark
Shooting Star
0:00 / 100% / xInf
Unit: -
Amount per: 5
Repeats (max): Infinite
Delay: 0.2 seconds
Interval: 0 seconds
Range: 0.5 (max)
All enemies on the screen are cleared. For every minute past 30, another Death spawns.

The Drowner summoned in this wave cannot be defeated.


Stepping on one of the small red circles on the ground triggers an unavoidable map event, chosen at random between 7 predetermined options. The traps have a 20 second cooldown before they can be triggered again.

Trap events in Dairy Plant
Event Unit Amount Duration (seconds) Range Notes
Poltergeist Roulette Sprite-POLTERPoltergeist 50 30 1 Poltergeists cannot move and their health is based on the player's level. They trigger self-destruct attack, if the player gets too close, exploding for 50 damage after 2 seconds.
Poltergeist Roulette Sprite-POLTERPoltergeist 100 30 2 -
Poltergeist Roulette Sprite-POLTERPoltergeist 50 30 2 -
Poltergeist Roulette Sprite-POLTERPoltergeist 50 30 2 This event is the same as above, appearing a second time in the list of events.
Poltergeist Swarm Sprite-POLTERAggressive Poltergeist 20 30 0.7 Aggressive Poltergeists' health is based on the player's level. They trigger a self-destruct attack, if the player gets too close, exploding for 50 damage after 2 seconds.
Poltergeist Swarm Sprite-POLTERAggressive Poltergeist 60 30 0.7 -
Impefinger Swarm Sprite-IMPImpefinger 20 30 0.7 -


  • Before version 1.0, the stage's description was as follows: "This tower hides great magical artifacts and historically accurate monsters."
    • This is likely a reference to the E3 2006 showing of "Genji: Days of the Blade," a game stated to based on Japanese history, which also includes a "giant enemy crab." An enemy named as such also appears in the stage.

  • Stage-Old Mad ForestOld Mad Forest
  • Stage-Rough AwakeningRough Awakening
  • Stage-Risky WoodsRisky Woods
  • Stage-Rotten OrchardRotten Orchard
  • Stage-Garlic ParadiseGarlic Paradise
  • Stage-RetirementRetirement
  • Stage-Deep LoreDeep Lore
  • Stage-Castle GroundsCastle Grounds Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Shrine ValleyShrine Valley Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Forbidden PeaksForbidden Peaks Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Hidden CaveHidden Cave Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Frozen LakeFrozen Lake Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Tanuki ForestTanuki Forest Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Mt. MoonspellMt. Moonspell Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC
  • Stage-Meeting CalledMeeting Called Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Suspect SecuritySuspect Security Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-EjectedEjected Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Don't Get GhostedDon't Get Ghosted Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Space RocksSpace Rocks Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Emergency MeatingEmergency Meating Emergency Meeting DLC
  • Stage-Planar BazaarPlanar Bazaar
  • Stage-Attack AggressivelyAttack Aggressively Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Bullet BitersBullet Biters Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Neo City ChaosNeo City Chaos Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Operation Gun CityOperation: Gun City Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Run & GunRun & Gun Operation Guns DLC
  • Stage-Alien RevengeanceAlien Revengeance Operation Guns DLC
