- 108 Bocce
- Abyss Foscari
- Academy Badge
- Achievements
- Adventures
- Alien Centipede
- Amount
- Anima of Mortaccio
- Antidote
- Antonio Belpaese
- Apoplexy
- Arca Ladonna
- Arcanas
- Archdemon
- Archon Ascia
- Archon Disco
- Archon Fiamma
- Archon Lancia
- Archon Oro
- Archon Rame
- Archon Spada
- Area
- Ariana
- Arma Dio
- Armor
- Armor (item)
- Armor (stat)
- Ars Gouda
- Ashes of Muspell
- Astral Chair
- Astral Curtain
- Astral Elemental
- Astral Stair
- Astral Stair Map
- Atlantean
- Atlas Gate
- Attractorb
- Avatar Infernas
- Avatar Infernas (enemy)
- Avatar of Gaea
- Average Hag
- Awake (IV)
- Axe
- Babi-Onna
- Ball Walker
- Bambaman
- Banish
- Barrier
- Bat Country
- Bat Robbert
- Bat Swarm
- Bats Bats Bats
- Beginning (X)
- Bi-Bracelet
- Bianca Ramba
- Big Bot Gordea
- Big Fuzz
- Big Golem
- Big Mummy
- Big Oni
- Big Trouser
- Bill Rizer
- Blade Crossbow
- Blood Astronomia (XXI)
- Blood Moss
- Bloodbath
- Bloody Tear
- Bone
- Boo Roo Boolle
- Boogaloo of Illusions (XVIII)
- Boon Marrabbio
- Boon Marrabbio (enemy)
- Boss Rash
- Bounty Hunter
- Bracelet
- Bracer
- Brad Fang
- Brainoid
- Brave Story
- Brownie
- Browny
- Bugger
- Bundle
- Burning Skull
- C-U-Laser
- Candelabrador
- Candybox
- Cappella Magna
- Carlo Cart
- Carréllo
- Cauld
- Ceffoose
- Celestial Dusting
- Celestial Voulge
- Chaos Altemanna
- Chaos Malachite
- Chaos Rosalia
- Chaos in the Dark Night (V)
- Characters
- Charm
- Cherry Bomb
- Chompo
- Christine Davain
- Circle
- City Atlantean
- Clear Asteroids
- Clear Debris
- Clock Lancet
- Clover
- Coffin
- Coin Bag
- Cold Cauld
- Collection
- Colonel Bahamut
- Colossal Panther
- Concetta Caciotta
- Containers
- Cooldown
- Cosmic Egg
- Cosmo Pavone
- Count
- Crewmate Dino
- Crimson Shroud
- Crocifriggitone
- Crocifriggitore
- Cross
- Crossed Wires
- Crown
- Crystal Cries (XII)
- Curse
- Cute Molisano
- Dairy Cart
- Dairy Plant
- Darkasso
- Dead Molisano
- Death
- Death Spiral
- Defang
- Demon Beast
- Demon Priest
- Diamond
- Disco of Gold (XV)
- Divano Thelma
- Diver Mines
- Divine Bloodline (IX)
- Dommario
- Dragon Shrimp
- Dragon Stream
- Dragon Swarm
- Duplicator
- Duration
- Dust Elemental
- ECMASlime
- Ebony Wings
- Echo Night
- Edna
- Eggman
- Eight The Sparrow
- Eleanor Uziron
- Elite Devil
- Emergency Meeting
- Emergency Meeting (weapon)
- Empty Tome
- Enemies
- Engineer Gino
- Eskizzibur
- Eudaimonia Machine
- Evil Snowman
- Evolution
- Exdash Exiviiq
- Experience Gem
- Fake Fallen Cherub
- Fake Fallen Cherubbello
- Fallen Cherub
- Fallen Cherubbello
- Fallen Throne
- Festive Winds
- Fire Wand
- Firearm
- Flames of Misspell
- Flash Arrow
- Flight Zako
- Floor Chicken
- Flower
- Flower Wall
- Flower Wall (event)
- Followa
- Fomorians
- Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane
- Four Seasons
- Freeze
- Friendship Amulet
- Frijjitello
- Fungoman
- Fuwalafuwaloo
- G062T
- Gains Boros
- Gala Invader
- Gallo (enemy)
- Gallo Tower
- Gallotrice
- Game Killer (0)
- Garlic
- Garlic (enemy)
- Garth
- Gatti Amari
- Gav'Et-Oni
- Gemini (I)
- Genevieve Gruyère
- Gennaro Belpaese
- Ghiavolo
- Ghost
- Ghost Lino
- Ghost Swarm
- Ghostly Apparition
- Giant Bat
- Giant Enemy Crab
- Giant Skeleton
- Gigafly
- Gilded Clover
- Giovanna Grana
- Glass Fandango
- Glass Vizard
- Glove of Glory
- Glowing Bat
- Glowing Skeleton
- Godai Shuffle
- Gold Coin
- Gold Coin (currency)
- Gold Coin (pickup)
- Gold Finger
- Gold Ring
- Golden Egg
- Gorgeous Moon
- Goshadokuro
- Gracia's Mirror
- Great Gospel
- Greatest Jubilee
- Greed
- Greeder
- Green Acres
- Green Knight
- Grenade
- Grim Grimoire
- Growth
- Guardian Pina
- Gulcan Tank
- Gyoruntin
- Gyorunton
- Hag
- Hail from the Future (X)
- Hand of Glory
- Happy Molisano
- Harzia
- Hats
- Healer
- Heart of Fire (XIX)
- Heaven Sword
- Hellfire
- Hellrider
- Hero-Guides
- Hill Trow
- Hitotsume-kozo
- Hollow Heart
- Holy Circuit Creations
- Holy Forbidden
- Holy Wand
- Homing Miss
- Horse
- Human Faced Dog
- Iguana Gallo Valletto
- Il Molise
- Imelda Belpaese
- Impefinger
- Impostongue
- Impostor Rina
- Infinite Corridor
- Inlaid Library
- Insatiable
- Iron Blue Will (VII)
- Item
- J'Odore
- Jail of Crystal (XIV)
- Je-Ne-Viv
- Je-Ne-Viv (enemy)
- Jellyfish
- Jellyfish Swarm
- Jellyfish Wall
- Junkyard Car
- Just Vent
- Kamaitachi
- Kappa
- Keitha Muort
- Kimkoh
- King Bible
- Kizzune
- Knife
- Knockback
- Krochi Freetto
- LV128 Golden Bat
- La Borra
- La Robba
- Laborratory
- Lake Foscari
- Lake Foscari Map
- Lama Ladonna
- Lammuga
- Lance Bean
- Laurel
- Leda
- Leda (enemy)
- Ledder
- Legacy of the Moonspell
- Legionnaire
- Level up
- Lifesign Scan
- Light source
- Lightning Ring
- Limit Break
- Lionhead
- Little Clover
- Lizard Pawn
- Lizard Rook
- Long Gun
- Lord Ghost
- Lost & Found Painting (XVII)
- Lost Head
- Lost Twin
- Lucia Zero
- Luck
- Lucky Swipe
- Luminaire
- Luminaire Foscari
- M78
- Mad Forest
- Mad Groove (VIII)
- Madd-Onna
- Magic Banger
- Magic Wand
- Magnet
- Mannajja
- Mantichana
- Manticore
- Maronna
- Maronna Meea