Spell is a mechanic that allows for the usage of codes to unlock characters, stages, relics, etc. Most spells must be entered in the Secrets menu, unlocked by collecting the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane, however some must be entered on the main menu.
Each key for every spell needs to be typed within 30 seconds of the last one for the spell to be registered. For codes that are not entered on the Secrets menu, each key must be typed within two seconds. For "pet", it must be typed within half a second. Arrow keys must be used for directional inputs.
List of spells[]
Main Menu and others[]
Note: These 'codes' require an actual keyboard to use and are therefore unusable on mobile and consoles. Toastie and Smith IV have their own spells (see below) to make them obtainable on these platforms.
- Mortaccio - up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, escape, enter
- Toastie - After unlocking Exdash, after damaging Stalker, Drowner, and Trickster with Dairy Cart, Rosary, Gorgeous Moon, Infinite Corridor, and Crimson Shroud (Pentagram only in Cappella Magna and they disappear after the Ender fight) and type down and enter when it shows up at the bottom right corner and yells "panini".
- Smith IV - After unlocking Toastie, type "spam" in the main menu; enters character select menu, type "spam" again; enters stage select menu, type "spam" once more; enter a run, press "humbug", all within 30 seconds.
- Game Killer (0), Mad Groove (VIII), Out of Bounds (XII), Disco of Gold (XV), and Silent Old Sanctuary (XX) - "aintnobodygottimeforthat"
- Petting and healing O'Sole during a run (one time per run) - "pet"
- Arca Ladonna - "noneladonna"
- Porta Ladonna - "vivaladonna"
- Lama Ladonna - "superladonna"
- Poe Ratcho - "strongestcharacter"
- Suor Clerici - "faschiuma"
- Dommario - "bioparco"
- Krochi Freetto - "accidenti"
- Christine Davain - "crystalmakeup"
- Pugnala Provola - "flymetothemoon"
- Giovanna Grana - "thetwoassassins"
- Poppea Pecorina - "feldschlacht"
- Concetta Caciotta - "ifeellovevenus"
- Yatta Cavallo and Cherry Bomb - "yattapanda"
- Bianca Ramba and Carréllo - "carramba"
- O'Sole Meeo and Celestial Dusting - "reset"
- Sir Ambrojoe and La Robba - "languorino"
- Iguana Gallo Valletto - "waitreaction"
- Divano Thelma - "quandolodicelui"
- Zi'Assunta Belpaese - "paradigmshift"
- Exdash Exiviiq - "x-x1viiq" (also works in main menu) or "exdashexoneviiq"
- Toastie - "tramezzini" (Exdash must be unlocked)
- Smith IV - "maybeimastallion"
- Random - "igottagettotheedgeofsoul"
- Boon Marrabbio - "fettinepanate"
- Avatar Infernas and Flames of Misspell - "kalvasflam"
- Minnah Mannarah - "foldinthecheese"
- Leda - "iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme"
- Cosmo Pavone - "lhovistoio"
- Peppino - "pinociampino"
- Big Trouser - "earrivatolarrotino"
- missingN▯ - "rightninetyseven"
- Gains Boros - "highfive"
- Gyorunton - "secondevolution"
- Mask of the Red Death - "ablasphemousmockery"
- Queen Sigma - "allatonce"
- Rose De Infernas - "rescuefromtheshadows"
- Scorej-Oni - "notsureitsthunder"
- She-Moon Eeta - "cygnusmagnus"
- Bat Robbert - "bimbumbam"
- Space Dude - "thegoodguy"
- Santa Ladonna - "shesawit"
- Gyoruntin - "blunderingfool"
- Bats Bats Bats - "whydithavetobebats"
Legacy of the Moonspell DLC[]
- Miang Moonspell and Silver Wind - "shounenheroine"
- Menya Moonspell and Four Seasons - "youngatheart"
- Syuuto Moonspell and Summon Night - "itsnotaneclipse"
- Babi-Onna and Mirage Robe - "vogue"
- McCoy-Oni and 108 Bocce - "ionicoionico"
- Megalo Menya Moonspell - "elamadonna"
- Megalo Syuuto Moonspell and Night Sword - "takeashower"
- Gav'Et-Oni and Mille Bolle Blu - "chevolano"
Tides of the Foscari DLC[]
- Eleanor Uziron and SpellString - "spellsomething"
- SpellStream - "spellwhatever"
- SpellStrike - "spellwhichever"
- Maruto Cuts and Eskizzibur - "animeismypassion"
- Keitha Muort and Flash Arrow - "oopsistoleoneagain"
- Luminaire Foscari and Prismatic Missile - "deusexmachina"
- Genevieve Gruyère and Shadow Servant - "basicwitch"
- Je-Ne-Viv - "theworldeater"
- Sammy - "happybirthday"
- Rottin'Ghoul and Party Popper - "souloftheparty"
Emergency Meeting DLC[]
- Crewmate Dino - "redissus"
- Engineer Gino - "isaworangevent"
- Ghost Lino - "foundyellowinmedical"
- Shapeshifter Nino - "greenisredyouisme"
- Guardian Pina - "foundblueinstorage"
- Impostor Rina - "youaretheimpostor"
- Scientist Mina - "sciencepink"
- Horse - "haaayimpasta"
- Megalo Impostor Rina "selfreport"
Operation Guns DLC[]
- Bill Rizer - "runandrizer"
- Lance Bean - "beanmachinegun"
- Brad Fang - "alwaysarmednevershaved"
- Browny - "metallicbakedgoods"
- Lucia Zero - "amitheoriginal"
- Probotector - "rdooeight"
- Sheena Etranzi - "battlefieldflower"
- Stanley - "morethanamechsuit"
- Ariana - "protectorofgaluga"
- Colonel Bahamut - "badbetrayerbahamut"
- Newt Plissken - "chiefsalamander"
- Simondo Belmont - "honouringmasato"
- Hectic Highway - "hardcorpshighspeed"
- Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, and Cappella Magna - "everywhere" (only works after unlocking the achievement that unlocks Inlaid Library)
- Il Molise - "relaxenjoylife"
- Moongolow - "honesty"
- Green Acres - "dotgogreenacres"
- The Bone Zone - "rottingpizza"
- Boss Rash - "peakgamedesign"
- Bat Country - "recycletheforest"
- Astral Stair - "recyclethelibrary"
- Tiny Bridge - "recyclethetower"
- Whiteout - "buriedinthesnow"
- Space 54 - "jumptheshark"
- Laborratory - "divineassault"
- Carlo Cart - "thenextstopis"
- Room 1665 - "forbiddenbox"
The spell also unlocks their respective hyper mode toggle.
Weapons and Passive Items[]
- Weapons and Passive items - "everything" (only for items from level ups, not the secret ones unlocked by Yellow Sign)
- Arma Dio - "apritisedano"
- Grim Grimoire - "thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault"
- Ars Gouda - "thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault"
- Milky Way Map - "leadmetothecheese"
- Magic Banger - "thankelrond"
- Sorceress' Tears - "timecompression"
- Glass Vizard - "eggseggseggs"
- Mindbender - "teleportustomars"
- Yellow Sign - "ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit"
- Great Gospel - "icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet"
- Gracia's Mirror - "freezearrow"
- Seventh Trumpet - "dootdoot"
- Atlas Gate - "tolovetoshine"
- Chaos Malachite - "gottagofast"
- Chaos Rosalia - "coldwaterhotwater"
- Chaos Altemanna - "chapatribe"
- Apoplexy - "tengillesbalm"
- Antidote - "duraistruth"
- Trisection - "haeralisploy"
- Brave Story - "lugrianstale"
- Randomazzo and Sarabande of Healing (VI) - "randomazzami"
- Darkasso and Moonlight Bolero (VI) - "darkassami"
- Game Killer (0) - "ilmatto"
- Gemini (I) - "ilbagatto"
- Twilight Requiem (II) - "lapapessa"
- Tragic Princess (III) - "limperatrice"
- Awake (IV) - "limperatore"
- Chaos in the Dark Night (V) - "ilpapa"
- Sarabande of Healing (VI) - "randomazzami"
- Iron Blue Will (VII) - "ilcarro"
- Mad Groove (VIII) - "laforza"
- Divine Bloodline (IX) - "leremita"
- Beginning (X) - "laruota"
- Waltz of Pearls (XI) - "lagiustizia"
- Out of Bounds (XII) - "lappeso"
- Wicked Season (XIII) - "lamorte"
- Jail of Crystal (XIV) - "latemperanza"
- Disco of Gold (XV) - "ildiavolo"
- Slash (XVI) - "latorre"
- Lost & Found Painting (XVII) - "lastella"
- Boogaloo of Illusions (XVIII) - "laluna"
- Heart of Fire (XIX) - "ilsole"
- Silent Old Sanctuary (XX) - "ilgiudizio"
- Blood Astronomia (XXI) - "ilmondo"
- Sapphire Mist (I) - "ottagabli"
- Moonlight Bolero (VI) - "darkassami"
- Hail from the Future (X) - "atoural"
- Crystal Cries (XII) - "oseppal"
- Wandering the Jet Black (XXI) - "odnomli"
Character Skins[]
- Halloween theming for Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, Bianca Ramba, O'Sole Meeo, and their weapons - "spoopyseason"
- Unblinded Imelda Belpaese - "unblindimelda"
- Retired Poe Ratcho - "retirepoe"
- Enable the toggling of Eleanor Uziron's starting weapon to the other "Spell" weapons through the character skin selection - "starpupil"
- Spin the UI - "spinnn"
- Enter Green Acres with a lot of corns - "popthecorn"
- Enter Holy Forbidden - "iwanttoseeitagain"
- Play as O'Sole with Celestial Dusting, Greatest Jubilee, Cherry Bomb, Clover, attracts 10 Little Clover - "kamiki"
- Increases the gravity of the game, light sources and pickups accelerate downwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, and double the Magnet radius - "onjupiter"
- Decreases the gravity of the game, light sources and pickups accelerate upwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, and double the Magnet radius - "andmars"
- "everything" and "everywhere" can be used repeatedly, as each new update may add more content to them. Their tooltip of unlocking character is slightly different than other unlocks:
- everything: All weapons unlocked from Level Up options.
- everywhere: All main stages and hyper mode unlocked.
- If one enters the "spinnn" spell and closes the secrets menu while the UI is spinning, the background of the main menu will freeze and remain pivoted at an unusual angle until the spell is entered again.
- The code to unlock Mortaccio is the famous Konami code.
- The code to unlock Exdash is a reference to the cheat code X-X!V''Q used in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which also gives the main hero Alucard a very high Luck stat in exchange for other stats being lower.
- The spell to unlock Il Molise is a reference to its description.
- The spell to unlock the time gated Arcanas is a reference to a viral YouTube video of Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins being interviewed after having escaped a fire in an apartment complex.
- The spell to unlock Mindbender is a reference to the quote "C'mon Teletubby, teleport us to Mars!" by Tammie Brown in RuPaul's Drag Race.
- The code to pet and heal O'Sole is a reference to petting dogs in video games popularized by the twitter account Can You Pet The Dog? noting which video game allows the player to interact with a dog.
- The account has also noted the code to heal O'Sole for this game.[1]
- The spell to unlock O'Sole shares its name with the credits theme for Okami, "Reset."
- The code to unlock Toastie is a reference to Mortal Kombat II, where to fight the hidden character Smoke, players would have to play on a specific stage and wait for Dan Forden to appear and say "Toasty" before pressing Down + Start.
- The code to unlock Smith is a reference to a cheat code in Ultima VI by talking to Iolo, then typing "spam", enter, "spam", enter, "spam", enter, "humbug", and enter.
- The spell to unlock Gains may be a reference to the multiple awkward high fives in Final Fanstasy VII Remake.
- The spell to unlock Great Gospel is a reference to the theme "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" which plays in the Forgotten City. The spell has the "the" replaced with "captain," referencing Captain Planet.
- The spell to unlock Gyorunton is a reference to Star Ocean: Second Evolution, a remake of the PlayStation game Star Ocean: The Second Story. One of the optional characters in the game is the main inspiration for the design and name of Gyorunton.
- The spell to unlock Leda is a reference to Sorceress Adel from Final Fantasy VIII, who, through radio interference phenomena, shows several messages at the Timber TV Station's screen, one of which is "I WILL NEVER LET YOU FORGET ABOUT ME".
- The spell to unlock Big Trouser is the sentence "è arrivato l'arrotino", which is a refrain spoken over loudspeakers by knife grinders in Italy as they drive around small towns to attract attention.
- The spells to unlock the Arcanas (except Sarabande of Healing (VI)) are the Italian names of their corresponding Major Arcana Cards for each of them.
- The spells to unlock the Darkanas (except Moonlight Bolero (VI)) are the spells of their corresponding Arcanas spelled backwards.
- The spells "everything", "everywhere", and "all at once" can be combined to make the film Everything Everywhere All At Once.
- The spell "gottagofast" is a reference to the catchphrase of Sonic the Hedgehog.
- The spell "flymetothemoon" is a reference to the song Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra, which is also used in Bayonetta.
- The spells "onjupiter" and "andmars" are likely also references to this song.
- The spell "ifeellovevenus" is a reference to the song "I Feel Love" by the Blue Man Group featuring Venus Hum.
- The spell "yattapanda" is a reference to Yattaman, the naming of the robots appearing in the anime which was Yatta + Animal Name like Yatta-Pesce (fish), Yatta-Can (dog), and Yatta-Panda.
- The spell "languorino" is a phrase meaning "the desire to eat something/feeling peckish" in Italian.
- The spell "quandolodicelui" is a phrase meaning "when he says so" in Italian.
- The spell "igottagettotheedgeofsoul" is a lyrics in the song The Edge of Soul, which is the theme song of the game Soul Edge.
- The spell "fettinepanate" means "fried cutlets", which is an Italian meme tied to the anime Ai Shite Naito.
- The spell "kalvasflam" is a reference to the words of power spoken when casting the spell "Flamestrike" in Ultima Online.
- The spell "pinociampino" means Ciampino pine in Italian.
- The spell "earrivatolarrotino" is a reference to an Italian song "È arrivato l'arrotino" by Roberto Colombo.
- The spell "rightninetyseven" and its code name LostNumber is a reference to the original Final Fantasy VII, in which a secret code was needed to unlock a safe: "(Right 36), (Left 10), (Right 59), (Right 97)", upon inputting the last missing number into the safe (Right 97), "Lost Number" would appear.
- The spell "ionicoionico" refers to a word game where, if the word "ionico" (which means "ionic" in Italian) is continously pronounced, it can be easily confused with the word "coglioni" (which is Italian vulgar for "testicles").
- The spell "chevolano" translated from Italian into: "That fly". It can combine with Gav'Et-Oni weapon name into "Mille bolle blu che volano" ("A thousand blue bubbles that fly) to complete the reference of the song "Le mille bolle blu" by Italian singer Mina.
- The spell "vogue" is a reference to American pop star Madonna's 1990 hit Vogue, itself inspired in turn by "voguing", a style of dancing in which the dancers pose themselves as if for a photograph in a fashion magazine; this reference is reinforced by Babi-Onna's walking animation cycle, which is instead just her voguing endlessly across the field.
- The spell "animeismypassion" might be a reference to the "graphic design is my passion" meme.
- The spell "rottingpizza" is a reference to how the characters of Final Fantasy VII describe the structure of Midgar.
- The spell "kamiki" and its codename FESTIVAL is a reference to the Kamiki Festival from Okami, where they celebrate with fireworks (hence Greatest Jubilee); Amaterasu is a goddess they worship and is the main character (O'Sole is a reference to her); she has the ability to use Celestial Brush to draw brushstrokes that affect her surrounding and when she runs she create grass and flowers (Celestial Dusting references both); Cherry Bomb is literally one of her Celestial Brush techniques; and the company producing this game is called Clover Studio, which is featured in Okami as a huge source of praise (experience) when blooming them and to reference their own studio, which is why O'Sole gets Clover and Little Clover.
- The spell "blunderingfool" is a reference to Steam user BlunderingFool, who repeatedly requested the inclusion of a mecha Gyorunton 13 times.