Vampire Survivors Wiki
Vampire Survivors Wiki

The Spirit Tornado Tip is a weapon in Vampire Survivors. It is the Evolution of Wind Whip, requiring the Crown.


The Spirit Tornado Tip adds an additional effect on top of its base weapon; every 7th activation triggers a hidden Sprite-Summon Spirit Tornado Summon Spirit Tornado, it unleashes spirits that run around the screen to collect XP gems, and fling them to you with a sparkling effect. Gems collected in this way also also explode within a radius. Speed and Duration affect these secondary projectiles.


  • Wicked Season (XIII) - Increases in Growth will increase the Wind Whip's damage. On intervals with Growth, the Wind Whip's damage is doubled accordingly.
  • Slash (XVI) - Allows the Wind Whip to critical hit. Critical hits deal 2x damage and have 20% chance to occur. This chance is affected by Luck. Does not affect the hidden Summon Spirit Tornado.

Limit Break[]

With Limit Break, Whip can be further leveled up.

Description Rarity Max Total
Area +2.5% -
Might +0.25%
Amount +1


See Combos for a list of all item interactions.

Stats and passive items[]

Sprite-Hollow Heart Sprite-Empty Tome Sprite-Bracer Sprite-Candelabrador Sprite-Clover Sprite-Spellbinder Sprite-Spinach Sprite-Pummarola Sprite-Attractorb Sprite-Armor Sprite-Duplicator
Sprite-Spirit Tornado Tip ✔️ ✔️
✔️ ✔️
✔️ ✔️
Sprite-Crown Sprite-Tirajisú Sprite-Stone Mask Sprite-Skull O'Maniac Sprite-Wings Sprite-Candelabrador Sprite-Spellbinder
Sprite-Silver Ring
Sprite-Skull O'Maniac
Sprite-Gold Ring
Sprite-Hollow Heart Sprite-Pummarola
Sprite-Metaglio Left
Sprite-Skull O'Maniac
Sprite-Metaglio Right
Sprite-Bracer Sprite-Candelabrador Sprite-Spellbinder Sprite-Spinach Sprite-Skull O'Maniac
Sprite-Torrona's Box


Sprite-Game Killer Sprite-Gemini Sprite-Twilight Requiem Sprite-Tragic Princess Sprite-Awake Sprite-Chaos in the Dark Night Sprite-Sarabande of Healing Sprite-Iron Blue Will Sprite-Mad Groove Sprite-Divine Bloodline Sprite-Beginning
Sprite-Spirit Tornado Tip ✔️
Sprite-Waltz of Pearls Sprite-Out of Bounds Sprite-Wicked Season Sprite-Jail of Crystal Sprite-Disco of Gold Sprite-Slash Sprite-Lost & Found Painting Sprite-Boogaloo of Illusions Sprite-Heart of Fire Sprite-Silent Old Sanctuary Sprite-Blood Astronomia
✔️ ✔️
Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Sapphire Mist Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Moonlight Bolero Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Hail from the Future
Sprite-Spirit Tornado Tip ✔️
Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Crystal Cries Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Arcana back desaturated Sprite-Wandering the Jet Black
  1. Hidden Summon Spirit Tornado affected by Speed
  2. With Slash (XVI) or Sapphire Mist (I), critical hit chance or extra activation chance affected by Luck
  3. Hidden Summon Spirit Tornado affected by Duration
  4. Damage affected by Growth
  5. Affected by Area
  6. Affected by Might and Area
  7. Indirectly affected by bonuses to Might and Area; Hidden Summon Spirit Tornado indirectly affected by bonuses to Speed
  8. Hidden Summon Spirit Tornado indirectly affected by bonuses to Speed
  9. Indirectly affected by bonuses to flat damage
  10. Indirectly affected by bonuses to Amount
  11. Damage indirectly affected by bonuses to Growth; With Slash (XVI) or Sapphire Mist (I), critical hit chance or extra activation chanced indirectly affected by bonuses to Luck
  12. Indirectly affected by bonuses to Area
  13. Indirectly affected by bonuses to Might and Cooldown
  14. Indirectly affected by bonuses to activation
  15. Damage indirectly affected by bonuses to Growth


